EDP Baixo Sabor: Bat Feeding Habitats [acoustic sampling] - Ecological Monitoring (PME) and Compensatory Measures (PMC) Programs: Reservoir Filling and Operation Phase (2015-2020)

Basic Information
The dataset contains records of bats (Chiroptera) collected in potential feeding habitats along the lower valley of River Sabor, in the scope of the Ecological Monitoring (PME) and Mitigation/Compensation Measures (PMC) Programs of the Baixo Sabor Hydroelectric Dams, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A.
Sampling was carried out between June 2015 and August 2020 in selected sampling points, in the framework of the regular monitoring of feeding habitats for Chiroptera and as part of the monitoring program of Compensatory Measures (MC5.7). The latter sampling was made in the framework of other Compensatory Measures to generally recover important habitats, that are also suitable for bat feeding. These included riparian galleries, autochthonous forests and new weirs. Overall, regular field sampling was performed at a total of 70 sampling points (impact and control sites) within a 5-km radius buffer around the limits of the area flooded by the reservoirs in the lower valley of River Sabor. The presence and identity of bat species were assessed by acoustic sampling of the echo-location calls emitted in flight. The records include taxa identified at the species, genus, family or order level, as well as groups of species that share similar calls but cannot be identified to any taxonomic level, and that were thus assigned to acoustic “species complexes”. From a total of 527 recording sessions, 1,544 records of bats were obtained, belonging to 12 identified species and 10 “species complexes”.
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Friday, December 13, 2024 - 12:25
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Cabral J A, Barros P, Faria S, Duro V, Braz L, Vale-Gonçalves H, Carvalho D, Travassos P, Gomes C, Múrias T (2022). EDP Baixo Sabor: Bat Feeding Habitats [acoustic sampling] - Ecological Monitoring (PME) and Compensatory Measures (PMC) Programs: Reservoir Filling and Operation Phase (2015-2020). EDP. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/we5w7b accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-13.
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