weather station at moraine 1921 (R-M1921_WS)

General Information
locality name: weather station at moraine 1921;
location label: R-M1921_WS;
type: area (small: all sensors are withina an area of ~ 10 x 10 m);
lat (WGS 84): 46,835881;
long (WGS84): 11,035886;
elevation measured [m a.s.l.]: 2315;
elevation corrected [m a.s.l.]: 2316;

measurement since 2000, updates 2013 and 2017;

measured parameters & sensors (2021):
air temperatur: rotronic Hygroclip HC2-S3-P (263 cm above ground);
rH: rotronic Hygroclip HC2-S3-P (263 cm above ground);
dew point: rotronic Hygroclip HC2-S3-P (263 cm above ground);
global radiation: LICOR Pyranometer LI-200 (263 cm above ground);
PAR: LICOR Quantum Sensor LI-190 (263 cm above ground);
albedo: Delta-T GS2 (260 cm above ground, measuring upward and downward);
precipitation (rain): Thies 5.4032.30.07 (70 cm above ground);
wind (speed and direction): Kroneis 263PR/L (~330 cm above ground)
soil temperatur: Gealog NTC (in 1, 5, 12,5 and 40cm below ground and 4 sensors in 10 cm below ground along the moraine ridge)
soil moisture: Stevens Water Hydra Probe II (20 cm below ground; two sensors at the location in different sediments)
snow heigth (via automated camera and measuring stick): Mobotix M25M

weather station at moraine 1921
weather station at moraine 1921
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Elevation (min)