LTSER Zone Atelier du Bassin de la Moselle - Vosges Acidification Observatory - France - Courbeligne

General Information
Location Type
The Courbe Ligne is a tributary of the Rabodeau River (also named Gentil Sapin in this section), itself a tributary of the Meurthe River. The watershed is in a state forest (Forêt Domaniale de Senones). The sampling point is located in the upper part of the Courbe Ligne watershed. The corresponding sub-catchment area (195 ha) is made up of 92% Vosges sandstone (feldspathic sandstone, medium to coarse grained (with 15% orthoclase), coloured pink by clay-iron pigments. Quartz and quartzite pebbles are either scattered or agglomerated together as conglomerates). The rest is essentially composed of red to variegated clayey sandstone (Senones layer) with the presence of small cavities containing iron and magnesium oxides (evidence of ancient carbonate concretions). Downstream the sampling stations neutral sources can be found, contributing to increase the pH of the stream down to its junction with the Rabodeau River
Three experimental plots were installed in 2017 on the right bank to study the effect of silvicultural practices (cutting) on erosion. Two of these plots were logged in January 2023.
On the monthly samples the following analyses are made: pH, conductivity, major anions and cations (Ca, Na, K and Mg), alcalinity, aluminium, iron, manganese, dissolved organic and inorganic carbon, total dissolved nitrogen, absorbance spectrum, synchronous fluorescence spectrum (gap = 50 nm).
Courbeligne at the sampling station
Courbeligne at the sampling station
Experimental plots for erosion monitoring in function of forest management
Experimental plots for erosion monitoring in function of forest management
Experimental plots after tree cutting in January 2023
Experimental plots after tree cutting in January 2023
Experimental plots after tree cutting in January 2023, with a view to a part of the water collection system
Experimental plots after tree cutting in January 2023, with a view to a part of the water collection system
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