Guadalquivir Estuary Long-Term Socio Ecological Research

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In the Guadalquivir estuary, a Long Term Ecological Research Program -GUADALQUIVIR_LTER 1997-2022- has been maintained since 1997. Thanks to this effort this site is monitored by a set of time series database of 26 years of data (1997 to present) of the monthly evolution of abundances and biomasses of the aquatic comunity species -plankton, fish, and crustacean-, also resolved at different levels of the ecosystem -individuals, populations and communities- and completed with their corresponding water environmental data -salinity, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, pH, among others- as well as detailed information on trophic structure and biology of the main species. Since 2021 a new Spanish Science Agency project is working together with Guadalquivir-LTER on the socio-ecology of the region, management and cooperation among different stakeholders.
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