Benthic macro-invertebrates community in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto - 2012 |
Rosalia Lehrforst Austria- Discharge data Grasriegelgraben 2001-2020 |
Rosalia Lehrforst Austria - Soil temperature and soil moisture DRAIN Experiment 2013-2017 |
Rosalia Lehrforst Austria - Soil temperature and soil moisture DRAIN Experiment 2019-2020 |
Rosalia Lehrforst Austria - Soil GHG flux data DRAIN Experiment 2013-2016 |
Rosalia Lehrforst Austria - Soil GHG flux data DRAIN Experiment 2017 |
Rosalia Lehrforst Austria - Soil GHG flux data DRAIN Experiment 2019-2020 |
meteorological observations at weather station HEK (Hochebenkar) |
measurements of snowpack temperature at weather station HEK (Hochebenkar) |
measurements of soil temperature at weather station HEK (Hochebenkar) |
flow velocity records at rock glacier Outer Hochebenkar (Äußeres Hochebenkar) |
runoff measurements HEK (Hochebenkar) |
measurments of gauging station GA (Gurgler Ache) |
meteorological data of TAWES weather Station Obergurgl (ZAMG) |
Insect data Randu Meadows 1996-2012 |
LTER Zöbelboden, Austria, Micrometeorological data, 2014-2017 |
MOSSO_SnowPhysics&Chemistry_Annual_2009-2020 |
MOSSO_SoilChemistry_AllSites_Monthly_2016-2020 |
MOSSO_SoilChemistry_HistoricalSites_Annual_2008-2020 |
MOSSO_SoilPhysics&Chemistry_AllSites |