Bulk precipitation, throughfall chemistry and deposition of Petrohan, Bulgaria, 2009-2017 |
Deposition data from Wüstebach Germany 2009-2017 |
ICP_IM Aneboda_SE03 Meteo_Dep |
ICP_IM Gammtratten_SE01 Meteo_Dep |
ICP-IM Kindla_SE02 Meteo_Dep |
LTER Birkenes, Norway, Precipitation and Throughfall data 1999-2017 |
LTER Collelongo-Selva Piana, Italy, Precipitation and Throughfall data 1998-2017 |
LTER Forellenbach, Germany, Precipitation and throughfall data 1999-2016 |
LTER Monte Rufeno LAZ1, Italy, Precipitation and throughfall data 1997-2017 |
LTER Val Masino LOM1, Italy, Precipitation and throughfall data 1997-2015 |