Silwood Park Ecotron - United Kingdom

Basic Information
Site Name
Silwood Park Ecotron
United Kingdom
Site Description
“The Ecotron” is a unique facility for controlled environment ecological experiments, designed to bridge the gap between the complexity of real field communities and the simplicity of laboratory or greenhouse studies. The facility has been extensively described in the scientific literature and includes 16 separate walk-in chambers with computer-controlled climatic conditions. Recent modifications of the facility allow it to emulate real weather data (temperature, humidity, light, rainfall and water table) for large mesocosms (up to 130 x 85 x 40cm).
Last modified
2019-12-05 10:12:10


Affiliation and Network Specific Information
Sites are only displayed in the site overview map when they have set an active site status.
Centroid/Representative Coordinates

Latitude: 51.4089 Longitude: 0.639722


Site information [.json]

Centroid/representative coordinates [.shp] [.kml]