Clocaenog: Long-term monitoring site for climate change research

General Information
The Clocaenog field site is an automated manipulation experimental site that produces the potential change in climate for an upland moorland habitat over the next few decades. The experiment utilises automated roof technology, designed to work in the most sensitive and remote parts of the UK, designed to be powered by solar and wind power. The site was established in 1998 and consists of replicated drought and warming treatments.

The site is located in Clocaenog Forest in North East Wales (53o 03’ 19’’N -03o 27’ 55’’ W). It is a typical upland west-atlantic moorland, dominated by the evergreen shrub Calluna vulgaris (heather). Heather makes up >60% of the plant biomass at the site, but Vaccinium myrtillus and Empetrum nigrum are also present.
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