Mex-LTER (Mexico)
General Information
Belongs to
Verified member sites
11 sites:
Alchichica Mex-LTER (LTER-NAM-MX-6) |
Arrecifes del Pacifico Mex-LTER (LTER-NAM-MX-9) |
Chamela Mex-LTER (LTER-NAM-MX-4) |
Ecosistemas Costeros de la Peninsula de Yucatan Mex-LTER (LTER-NAM-MX-8) |
Ecosistemas Costeros Mex-LTER (LTER-NAM-MX-10) |
Ecosistemas del Altiplano Mex-LTER (LTER-NAM-MX-2) |
La Mancha Mex-LTER (LTER-NAM-MX-11) |
Los Tuxtlas Mex-LTER (LTER-NAM-MX-7) |
Manantlan Mex-LTER (LTER-NAM-MX-5) |
Observed Properties
ecosystem parameter | Researched by 10 sites |
biological parameter | Researched by 10 sites |
soil parameter | Researched by 8 sites |
water parameter | Researched by 7 sites |
landscape parameter | Researched by 7 sites |
atmospheric parameter | Researched by 5 sites |
above ground net primary production | Researched by 4 sites |
*This page is generated automatically using the available information in DEIMS-SDR describing the sites in this network/RI. Sites that are not documented on DEIMS-SDR are not featured on this page. We cannot therefore guarantee that this page will always reflect the actual list of sites for the network/RI.