DMI Geophysical Observatory Qaanaaq - Greenland

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Basic Information
Site Name
DMI Geophysical Observatory Qaanaaq
Operating Organisation
Site Description
The DMI Geophysical Observatory Qaanaaq is located at the outer perimeter of the city of Qaanaaq in North West Greenland. The station connects different monitoring infrastructures in the region. Qaanaaq is a modern Greenlandic town located some distance away from the National Park in NOrth East Greenland and the nature reserve area in the Melville Bay to the south. Still, in particular marine activities are regulated in order not to disturb the Narwhal during summer. The city of Qaanaaq is located on a small peninsula at the northern flank of the deep Inglefield Fjord. A number of glaciers terminate into the fjord and the prominent North Water Winter Polynya reach to the mouth of the fjord. Qaanaaq connects a number of small settlements in the region. In addition to classical meteorological measurements, it has served as a multidisciplinary Geophysical Observatory. Ongoing monitoring today includes infrasound and geomagnetism. In the latter years DMI has developed a participatory ocean and cryosphere monitoring program with offset in the station in collaboration with local hunters and with focus on the winter season. Monitoring data are presently only available from DMI data bases.
Last modified
2024-10-10 14:10:49


General Characteristics and Status
Site Status
Year Established
Affiliation and Network Specific Information
INTERACT ( site is a verified "INTERACT" member.
Centroid/Representative Coordinates

Latitude: 77.46482148 Longitude: -69.21725668

Elevation (average)
Elevation (min)
Elevation (max)

Site information [.json]

Centroid/representative coordinates [.shp] [.kml]