Foce Trigno-Marina di Petacciato (Campobasso) - Italy - biological parameter, ecosystem parameter, faunistic diversity, species list
Basic Information
Activity Type
The study of the cetacean strandings along the Central Adriatic coast started on 2009 and is currently underway. The data is collected occasionally, by citizens which observed them along the seashore. Most of those data are collected using citizen science approach and is stored also on an iNaturalist dedicated database (wildcoastCASCADE). Stored data describe species occurrences (e.g. Tursiops truncatus and Stenella cerueoalba), along with their conditions (e.g. necropsy information in relation with human impact and threats impinging the cetacean biodiversity). Spatial distribution of stranding individuals along central Adriatic coast are also analyzed.
Further studies are currently underway.
Further studies are currently underway.
Date Range
Observed Properties
Extended Information
Data digitally available
Open Data
Spatial Resolution
Temporal Resolution

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