Measurement of ground water chemical ingredients, Quillow catchment, Germany |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1994 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1995 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1996 |
Meteorological data from the Uckermark region - AgroScapeLab Quillow 1997 |
Dutch Wadden Sea, Temperature, 1972 - 2018 |
RO_SI000726_Biogeochem_2018.08.24 |
Neajlov catchment LTSER site biogeochemical parameters |
RO_SI000726_physico-chem_2018.08.24 |
RO_SI000726_Meteorological_data_2018.08.24 |
Metrological data Agricultural Research and Education Centre Raumberg-Gumpenstein |
Lake Bidighinzu water column temperature |
Meteorological Data Unterpullendorf (Austria) |
Meteorological Data Murau (Austria) |
Meteorological Data Klausen-Leopoldsdorf (Austria) |
Moor House: air temperature - 1991-2015 (UK Environmental Change Network) |
Bulk precipitation, throughfall chemistry and deposition of Petrohan, Bulgaria, 2009-2017 |
LTER Brasschaat, Belgium, vegetation data 1996-2017 |
LTER Forellenbach, Germany, Vegetation data 1991-2000 |
LTER Kopaonik National Park, Serbia, Vegetation data 2010-2013 |