ICP Integrated Monitoring
General Information

Description of Network
The aim of ICP IM is to monitor the ecological effects of atmospheric pollutants. By doing this, reliable data is obtained that can be used in environmental assessment, modelling, and decision-making. The integrated monitoring of ecosystems refers to simultaneous measurement of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of an ecosystem. This is done over time, across compartments, and at the same locations. ICP IM monitors the effects of atmospheric pollutants such as nitrogen, sulphur, tropospheric ozone, heavy metals, and persistent organic substances. The comprehensive long-term data is also important for observing ecosystem impacts of climate change.
ICP IM is a collaborative programme involving fifteen European countries. There are currently 48 active monitoring stations in the full IM Level 3 monitoring programme. More countries are about to join the new less intense extended Level 1 and Level 2 monitoring programmes
While some of our datasets are freely available, access to the complete data is currently by request, but we encourage applications. If you would like to use the data, please submit a request stating which parameters, locations, and periods you are interested in, and what your intended use is, to im-database@slu.se.
ICP IM is a collaborative programme involving fifteen European countries. There are currently 48 active monitoring stations in the full IM Level 3 monitoring programme. More countries are about to join the new less intense extended Level 1 and Level 2 monitoring programmes
While some of our datasets are freely available, access to the complete data is currently by request, but we encourage applications. If you would like to use the data, please submit a request stating which parameters, locations, and periods you are interested in, and what your intended use is, to im-database@slu.se.
Verified member sites
5 sites:
Aneboda, IM-site SE14 (SE14) |
Gammtratten, IM-site SE16 (SE16) |
Gårdsjön, IM-site SE04 (SE04) |
Kindla, IM-site SE15 (SE15) |
LTER Zöbelboden (AT01) |
3 sites:
Observed Properties
tree distribution | Researched by 5 sites |
tree height | Researched by 5 sites |
soil parameter | Researched by 5 sites |
biological parameter | Researched by 5 sites |
ecosystem parameter | Researched by 5 sites |
tree diameter | Researched by 5 sites |
canopy height | Researched by 5 sites |
*This page is generated automatically using the available information in DEIMS-SDR describing the sites in this network/RI. Sites that are not documented on DEIMS-SDR are not featured on this page. We cannot therefore guarantee that this page will always reflect the actual list of sites for the network/RI.