LTER Austria

General Information
LTER Austria Logo
Description of Network
The Austrian Society for Long-Term Ecological Research - LTER-Austria - was founded in 2002. Since then, Austria has made a significant contribution to the international LTER process. LTER-Austria sees itself as representing the interests of long-term ecological und socio-ecological research. To some extent it also covers the research focus of the Critical Zone concept. All the key relevant institutions and infrastructure organisations are represented in LTER-Austria.

LTER-Austria is a non-profit association according to Austrian law aiming at the advancement of science and infrastructure in the domain of ecological long-term research with special regard to the framework of the European Research Area and the global LTER network.
Belongs to
Observed Properties
ecosystem parameter Researched by 35 sites
atmospheric parameter Researched by 34 sites
soil parameter Researched by 32 sites
water parameter Researched by 30 sites
biological parameter Researched by 24 sites
air temperature Researched by 21 sites
precipitation intensity Researched by 20 sites
Site Map
Hochwechsel (HW) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_026ICP_Forests_Austria, Mürzzuschlag (ICP_FO_AU15) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_035WegenerNet Feldbach Region - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_029_002Fürstenfeld (FF) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_025Lehrforst Rosalia - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_037ICP_Forests_Austria, Unterpullendorf (ICP_FO_AU2) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_036Klausen-Leopoldsdorf Long term forest monitoring - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_031Nationalpark Neusiedler See - Seewinkel - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_040Rutzendorf, MUBIL Trial - AustriaFuchsenbigl - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_030Sonnblick Observatory - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_022Achenkirch-Mühleggerköpfl (ACH-Mue) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_024ICP_Forests_Austria, Jochberg (ICP_FO_AU17) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_033Oberes Stubachtal - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_023Venedigerkees - AustriaLTER Hohe Tauern National Park (NPHT) - AustriaStubai (combination of Neustift meadows and Kaserstattalm) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_015Obergurgl - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_018Rofental - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_042Kaunertal: From glacier to community - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_016Piburger See - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_020Gossenköllesee - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_012LTSER Platform Tyrolean Alps (TA) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_002GLORIA Master Site Schrankogel (AT-SCH), Stubaier Alpen - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_021Weitra (WEI) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_027ICP_Forests_Austria, Murau (ICP_FO_AU16) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_032Hallstätter Glacier - AustriaResearch Department for Limnology Mondsee - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_039_001ICP_Forests_Austria, Mondsee (ICP_FO_AU11) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_034Agricultural Research and Education Centre Raumberg-Gumpenstein - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_006Hochschwab (AT-HSW) GLORIA - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_007LTER NoeSLIDE - AustriaWilderness Area Dürrenstein - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_004_001WasserCluster Lunz - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_010Rottenhaus / Grabenegg - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_038Hydrological Open Air Laboratory HOAL Petzenkirchen - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_043Puergschachen Moor - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_041Kalkalpen National Park - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_008LTER Zöbelboden - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_003LTSER Platform Eisenwurzen (EW) - Austria
LTER_EU_AT_001Gesäuse National Park - Austria
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors
Covered Biomes
AlpineDeciduousForestAgriculturalFreshWaterLakesMixedForestGrasslandsEvergreenForest0246810121416182022 Number of sites per biome

*This page is generated automatically using the available information in DEIMS-SDR describing the sites in this network/RI. Sites that are not documented on DEIMS-SDR are not featured on this page. We cannot therefore guarantee that this page will always reflect the actual list of sites for the network/RI.