TERENO - Harsleben - Germany |
Climate-Ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra: Varanger - Norway |
Climate-Ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra: Svalbard - Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
Mukhrino field station of Yugra State University - Russian Federation |
BEF China Main Experiment - China |
Diego Ramirez LTER Site - Chile |
Cape Horn Island LTER Site - Chile |
Stiavnicke vrchy - Slovakia |
Ecological research site of Mt. Jumbongsan - Korea (the Republic of) |
Pantabangan Forest Dynamics Plot - Philippines (the) |
Bacman Forest Dynamics Plot - Philippines |
Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve - Philippines (the) |
Leyte Forest Dynamics Plot - Philippines (the) |
Silago Forest Dynamics Plot - Philippines (the) |
Northern Negros Forest Dynamics Plot - Philippines (the) |
Southern Negros Forest Dynamics Plot - Philippines (the) |
Tarfala Research Station - Sweden |
HOBE - the Danish hydrological observatory - Denmark |
Lake Beyşehir - Turkey |
Pfynwald - Switzerland |