Reservoir of Riga Hydropower Station on the River Daugava - Latvia |
Randu meadows - Latvia |
Bab - Slovakia |
Jalovecka dolina - Slovakia |
Kremnicke vrchy Ecological Experimental Station - Slovakia |
IT13-Gulf of Naples - Italy |
Krivoklat forests and xeric grasslands - Czechia |
Petrohan-Ponor - Bulgaria |
Siljansfors Experimental Forest - Sweden |
Loch Grannoch - United Kingdom |
Loch Tinker - United Kingdom |
Solina-Myczkowce cascade system - Poland |
Zegrzynski Reservoir - Poland |
Kamanos State Strict N. Reserve - Lithuania |
Katowice - Poland |
Tarnowskie Gry - Poland |
Konin - Poland |
Lake Druksiai - Lithuania |
Cepkeliai State Strict N. Reserve and the Katra River - Lithuania |
Vilsandi - Estonia |