JaLTER (Japan)
General Information

Web Address
Description of Network
JaLTER, Japan Long Term Ecological Research Network, is a local network of ecological monitoring sites for facillitating long-term ecological studies.
Belongs to
Verified member sites
58 sites:
Akkeshi-ko estuary and Akkeshi Bay (LTER-EAP-JP-17) |
Ashiu Forest Research Station (LTER-EAP-JP-58) |
Ashoro Research Forest, Kyushu University (LTER-EAP-JP-21) |
Awajishima (LTER-EAP-JP-2) |
Aya research site (LTER-EAP-JP-3) |
Chichibu cool temperate deciduous broad-leaved natural forest (LTER-EAP-JP-4) |
Choshi Rocky Shore (LTER-EAP-JP-23) |
Deep-sea in Sagami Bay (LTER-EAP-JP-19) |
Ecological research site of Fujinitayama (LTER-EAP-JP-25) |
Ecological research site of Hinanohara (LTER-EAP-JP-27) |
Observed Properties
soil solute amount | Researched by 1 sites |
ground water level | Researched by 1 sites |
birth date | Researched by 1 sites |
germination date | Researched by 1 sites |
deadwood position | Researched by 1 sites |
deadwood volume | Researched by 1 sites |
bacillariophyceae species richness | Researched by 1 sites |
*This page is generated automatically using the available information in DEIMS-SDR describing the sites in this network/RI. Sites that are not documented on DEIMS-SDR are not featured on this page. We cannot therefore guarantee that this page will always reflect the actual list of sites for the network/RI.