ICP Forests

General Information
ICP Forests Logo
Description of Network
The International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) was launched in 1985 under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention, formerly CLRTAP) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

ICP Forests monitors forest condition at two monitoring intensity levels:

The Level I monitoring is based on a systematic transnational grid of 16 x 16 km throughout Europe and beyond to gain insight into the geographic and temporal variations in forest condition.
The Level II intensive monitoring has the aim to clarify cause-effect relationships in selected forest ecosystems.

At present 42 countries in Europe and beyond participate in ICP Forests.
This site gives in overview about ICP Forests sites registered in DEIMS.

The code in brackets following the site name consists of the ICP Forests "country code" and the "plot code". This combination can be used to link DEIMS site descriptions with the ICP Forests monitoring data.
Observed Properties
ecosystem parameter Researched by 84 sites
soil parameter Researched by 76 sites
atmospheric parameter Researched by 71 sites
biological parameter Researched by 69 sites
precipitation intensity Researched by 43 sites
tree height Researched by 43 sites
ecosystem structure Researched by 40 sites
Site Map
Covered Biomes

*This page is generated automatically using the available information in DEIMS-SDR describing the sites in this network/RI. Sites that are not documented on DEIMS-SDR are not featured on this page. We cannot therefore guarantee that this page will always reflect the actual list of sites for the network/RI.